5 x B = Bikearea + Balkanche + Barranco + Barraquito + Bocadillo
Because of its incomparable beauty, because the islanders are sooo cool, because there are still places to visit, … There will be always a reason to fly back to La Palma.
A spontaneous winter dream, short trip description and the tour was booked out. We get together, coming from Bulgaria, Germany, England and Switzerland. A colorful mix of curious, adventurous bikers, a seven years old boy accompanied by his mum.
The challenge: to find the most beautiful rides just to experience the great diversity of this island; to still the desire for discoveries and the appetite for new trails; of course to not overexert anyone and to take care of a comfortable stay for the youngest one.
We cross the island for seven days from North to South, having two „basecamps“: one next to the most remote village in the North and one in a charming finca in Los Llanos.
And as usual on this island, not the scenery keeps in mind, but the feelings and emotions, that goes through the whole body. It seems that each particle of the landscape leaves traces in the mind.
The steep shore in Garafia, the explosion of vegetation in the moist canyons (barrancos), the two dimensional perception of the relief – „Damn it! Are we going to ride this trail???“, the pulse in the veins on the top of Roque de los Muchachos (2425 m) – the highest mountain made of rusty volcanic soil and surrounded by see of clouds, the endless meters of downhill that require technical riding and endurance, the longest trail in black volcanic sand and last but not least the irreplaceable taste of baraquito (at any day time) and palmero bocadillos.
Great thanks to Icho from Bikearea and the awesome bunch of riders for the trust in our work.
See you soon on the trails!